Knitting since 1975.
Knitwear is part of our DNA and we work with it in a very meticulous way. We call it luxury knitwear. We combine traditional craftsmanship techniques with technological advances that improve design, tailoring and production processes. The passion we share for a job well done defines who we are.
Our slogan couldn't be any clearer: All We Knit Is Love.
Colours express emotions and communicate moods that directly influence people's psychology. We embrace light and colour, taking it to its maximum potential by encompassing the entire chromatic spectrum: from vibrant tones that radiate energy, vitality and dynamism, to evocative pastel colours that lend the pieces a sense of freshness and serenity.
We like having a mix. We favour chromatic mosaics and striking combinations that are out of the ordinary. When it comes to colours, more is always better when seeking to dress women with joy, fun, freedom and
This is our dopamine dressing.

Art in Fashion
We believe in fashion that can express, share and connect with emotions.
An expressionist piece of art, a country scene, a cult film, an aesthetic trend... these are recurring sources of inspiration that influence our creative process.
Art interacts with fashion. It is part of our aesthetic language that we express through hand drawings, inspirational moodboards, graphic jacquards and digitised intarsias. Nature and the arts & crafts movement form part of our DNA.
see drawings